
Past Reviews


A woman drove me to drink and I didn't have the decency to thank her.
- W.C. Fields

This month's featured beer:

Belhaven Scottish Ale

Scottish Ale
Belhaven Brewery

Tasting Notes

Summary: This smooth full bodied beer is great to drink on a cold winters day or when you want to relax at home with a good book. It's also a favorite when meeting friends for a pint at an Irish pub.
Style: Ale
Appearance: When poured from the pub-draught can the carbonation slowly flows to the top and creates a white foamy head. The beer is a nice clear dark amber color.
Aroma: A faint hint of the sweet malts is noticed just above the glass.
Taste: This beer is as smooth as velvet flowing over your tongue. The sweet malty flavor is followed by a slightly bitter aftertaste.

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