Florida Pictures - October 15 - 22, 2005

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Flamingos at Sea World
Another view of the flamingos
Some pelicans and a sea turtle enjoying the sun
The dolphin petting area lets you get up close to the dolphins
You can even pet them, if you have a fish to offer. Otherwise they avoid most people
Looking underneath the dolphin tank
The dolphin show is much more entertaining than in years past
Besides the dolphins it features some exotic birds like parrots and vultures
There are also some high divers and trapise artists
Here's one taking a dive
Getting ready for another dive
Flying dolphins
The grand finale
Danielle and her mom at Sea World
Here they are enjoying a free beer in the Budweiser pavilion. Well, it's Bud, not really beer
Here's the bar where you can get a free Bud
Michelob Ultra vs. Budweiser Select. Who can tell the difference?
All Right!!!! Michelob Ultra!
The Shamu show
Look what I can do
A mammoth skelton at the Bradenton museum
Snooty is the worlds oldest manatee. Here he is with a friend
There's snooty

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